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Marilyn Weinstein


Marilyn Weinstein spent her early professional years, in the 60s and 70s, as an educational consultant at IBM, in the early days of professional computerized office equipment. After having her two daughters, she stayed at home full-time for about 10 years, before going back to her professional passion. From 1982-2008 she worked as a computer system and software applications consultant. Her primary work involved creating solutions for medical and collegiate labs and offices, primarily at UCLA and VA Research Development. In addition to technology, her passions include her family and the dairy farm (established in 1935) on which she grew up in Southwest Washington state, and, of course, her husband of over fifty years, Fred Weinstein. Fred was a professor and researcher at UCLA in the Department of Gastroenterology. Marilyn found Music Mends Minds in her search for a group in which her husband, who loves to sing, could participate with others. Singing has been the best medicine for him since retirement.

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