Susan DuPree
Susan DuPree spent her early professional years as a language teacher overseas with the Peace Corps and the Agency for International Development. After returning to the US, she completed a MA in Special Education and served as consultant and resource teacher for blind and partially-sighted children. Mid-life brought her a career shift, earning a Ph.D in Psychology to retire after thirty years of providing psychotherapy and psychlogical/neurologcial evaluations in her Clinical Psychology practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Susan has continued her family’s rich musical heritage following her BS in Music and through a wide range of musical endeavors, noteably a Lyric Soprano soloist, a member of regional opera and a choral debut at Carnegie Hall, among others. She has been recognized for her leadership skills in Sigma Alpha Iota (music fraternity) and Music Educators National Conference as well as Rotary International and The International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians, of which she is still active and a founding member of the IFRM Foundation. Learning about MMM from Carol Rosenstein dramatically changed the trajectory of her volunteer work. Susan was acutely aware of the deleterous affects of dementia, as she was the care-giver for her mother, Ruth, and then her husband, Hollis, before their passing. Her desire, albeit her passion, is clear: to actively educate others, especially Rotarians, on using music to improve the lives of both those with neurological disorders and the families who care for them. MMM is the obvious partner!